Let’s Believe in Sleep Again

At SleepKraft, we want to help families sleep better, in whichever ways that work best for their family dynamics.

Introducing SleepKraft

Certified Baby and Child Sleep Consultant

SleepKraft believes every family and their baby’s sleep needs are unique that is why we go above and beyond cookie cutter solutions or fixed templates.

The SleepKraft Promise

1.  To emphatically help your baby to learn to sleep independently Independent sleeping means that you are able to put your babydown in his bed, leave the room and he is able to self-soothe to sleep.[?] and optimise your baby’s overall sleep.

2. To teach and empower parents with the knowledge of Sleep SchedulingScheduling is a method of sleep optimising, to one’s knowledge of the child’s appropriate awake times to put the child down for naps and bedtime, based on past information and keen observation, to achieve long naps and uninterrupted night sleep. [?] (wake times adjustment), which will maintain your baby’s ability to sleep independently and also to troubleshoot sleep glitches, even years after the Sleep Training phase.

SleepKraft zooms in with holistic and proven methods that are based on key 6 Foundations of a family’s life, such as the Physical, Developmental, Social, Environmental, Emotional Well-being and Integration aspects.

These Foundations play such a crucial part that they are embodied in the SleepKraft logo. The SleepKraft logo features 2 circles of circles, constantly revolving around each other. The Outer Circle represents the 6 key Foundations for the Family nucleus and the Inner Circle represents the Foundations for the Self.

How SleepKraft can help you

Our Approach to Optimal Sleep Learning

Often when we become parents, the first person we neglect is usually ourselves, succumbing to fatigue, self-doubt, disillusionment, peer pressure and diminished self-esteem. At SleepKraft, we want to help both the “driver” (parents) as well as the “passengers” (children). By empowering the parents to be the best they can be, they can then transfer that very best to raising amazing and well-rested children.

There is no “gold standard” in sleep. We just want to help families sleep better, in whichever ways that work best for their family dynamics. We do not use just one particular method to help your child to learn to sleep better. Instead, we will decide based on the family’s comfort level, medical histories, baby’s temperament and many other factors.

6 Key Foundations


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To sleep, you need to be awake! Every day, your baby or child needs some form of physical engagement and stimulation to regulate energy levels. It is recommended that your baby gets at least 30 minutes of sunshine outdoors and your toddler get at least an hour daily. Nutrition and diet are closely linked to our growth and sleep. Give your child foods that aid sleep, such as plain yogurt, cheese, peanut butter and bananas.

The baby’s schedule also plays a critical role to help optimise her sleep. Ensure that child wakes up at a regular time every morning, is offered naps at age appropriate wake times, and that bedtime is within a consistent range.


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Your baby’s sleep space should be his safe haven and sanctuary. Sleep does not have many friends, hence creating a conducive sleep space will help to protect naps and night sleep. Blackout curtains, safe cot and bed sleeping, the right temperature and use of white noise etc, will give sleep much better odds.

Safe sleeping is essential to minimise Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and even through to when your child becomes a pre-schooler.


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The first few years of life are all about racing to hit all those developmental milestones. Yes, learning to sleep independently is also an oft-overlooked developmental milestone! By acquainting yourself with the timeline of various stages of development your child will attain, will help to manage your expectation about sleep and learn how to handle each phase.

As these developments take place, you will also get to know your child more and more. By keeping close tabs on these developments, you can navigate through temperament issues such as separation anxiety and newfound super powers as your child discovers something new every day.

Emotional Well-Being

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The consideration of emotional well-being of the parents and the child is often the missing piece in the sleep puzzle. By applying the value of emotional well-being, we can build confidence, self-esteem and resilience of both parent and child. We can also address the parents’ and child’s fears and anxieties which can directly affect the quality of sleep.

Maintaining one’s emotional well-being can also develop the child’s sense of security in relation to sleep and challenges previous negative beliefs of sleep. Building the emotional well-being can rebuild and enhance parent-child attachment and connection.


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From a cooing newborn to an excitable toddler telling your about her latest adventure, our children are born ready to socialise, engage and be stimulated by their surroundings. Big social changes such as start of daycare, a new sibling or changes in the family dynamics can impact your child tremendously.

Sleep will be affected during these events. Gentle and loving parental support is essential to tide over these changes.


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We need as many pieces to solve the sleep puzzle and uncover underlying issues. Improving sleep does not involved about one element such as scheduling or environment. It’s a little of everything, including some trial and error, that can help to troubleshoot naps and encourage behavioural changes.

We want to put all the pieces together, and transform parents into well-informed and confident sleep managers for their children.

Veronica Wei

"Evelyn is very experienced, knowledgeable about baby sleeping. I highly recommend and am super happy we found her instead of trying to google everything on our own. Everyone’s sleep has improved so much!"

Fulvia Wong

"Evelyn is very helpful and encouraging! She has helped us a lot and is still helping us with our kids’ sleep scheduling. We have found some success with naps and sleep as a whole thanks to her constant support and advice. She also gives good perspectives to things and has lent us her personal experiences from time to time, and for that we are grateful! Thanks Evelyn!"

Nicole Lee

"Thanks to Evelyn I no longer have to miss on my poo sessions because I have to cuddle my bb to sleep! Also thanks to Evelyn, my husband and I don’t have to sleep separately 😂

Evelyn’s been such a great support, esp to someone as highly anxious as me!

Danke Evelyn ❤️❤️"

Cherie Lee

"Evelyn has been a complete lifesaver to me in my sleep training journey. I was rocking my then 6-mo daughter to every nap, and bedtime was always a mad scramble for the family to put her to sleep. With Evelyn’s support and constant reassurance, my daughter is now able to sleep independently, connect sleep cycles, put herself back to sleep for NWs.

Thank you for being so patient with us, for being ever so responsive and encouraging."

Lee Hui Jun

"Evelyn is more than a sleep consultant; she’s really an empathetic mum friend who’s more than happy to share her own parenting journey/tips with me. My only regret is not knowing about her earlier. Thank you Evelyn for your support & help. Highly highly recommend her!!"

Pamela Sim

"Our sleep 1 year ago looked nothing like it does today. We were waking up 5-6 times at night to nurse. All credit to Evelyn in walking this journey with us and not giving up on my then 15 month old headstrong little boy. We now sleep through the night and its a life changer."

Fiona Pun

"Evelyn guided me through understanding how to interpret his sleep data, how to adjust and troubleshoot systematically and even how to read his cues. Throughout the week, she was on the ball with replies, supportive, personable and gave many insightful tips. I felt like I was chatting with a friend! Albeit a very knowledgeable friend 😊 "

Wong Siew Wern

"Thank u Evelyn for the guidance and also assurance along the journey, and I am thankful to have u with me! Just give her a call to solve your baby sleep issue, and I am sure u won’t regret."

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